We're passionate about helping you create amazing books...

Our mission goes beyond just pushing out ordinary books. We want your books to be extraordinary. That's why we've created these helpful podcasts to help you shine, and when you do, we can all celebrate. Listen to our helpful tips today.

Inspire Publishing Podcasts

Writing An Author's Bio
Crafting an engaging author's bio: Tips for attracting readers. Now that you’ve written your book, it’s time to write your author’s bio. We've highlighted the essentials in this podcast to make this essential step a breeze.

What Are Keywords
Utilizing keywords to increase book discoverability online. Keywords are written ideas or terms used to find a specific topic or product. They're the words and phrases that searchers type into search engines.

Writing Your Blurb
Writing blurbs that captivate readers and search engines. Your blurb or book description is a part of your back cover matter. It is an essential part of making and marketing your book.

Where Do I Begin?

Essential tips for aspiring authors entering the publishing world. Where do I begin is generally the first question aspiring authors wanting to publish but don’t know where to start the journey ask. The simple answer is to document your ideas and thoughts.

The Benefits of Self Publishing

There are advantages of self-publishing for authors on amazon kdp. The number of self-published authors is rapidly growing, as writers see how easy it is to finally produce their work in book form. This has its pros and cons.

Using A Pen Name

The advantages of using a pen name in book publishing. Some authors feel more comfortable writing with a pseudonym or a pen name rather than their name. This is not a problem, but it is not as easy to market your book using a pen name.

Editing Your Manuscript

The importance of thorough manuscript editing for authors. Not all editors are the same; most have a special niche. A person who edits fiction may not edit non-fiction. A good editor will tell you upfront about the specific types of manuscripts they work with.

Adding Images  To Your Book

Enhancing reader experience with visually appealing book images. Placing images in your book can add value and excitement when done correctly. But for starters, you should have rights to the images you intend to use.

Seminars & Interviews

Division of Culture (Bahamas)

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Publishing (Part 1 of 2) with author and publisher, Teri M. Bethel. Hosted by Mrs. Portia Sands, Asst. Director of Culture.

Division of Culture (Bahamas)

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Publishing (Part 2 of 2) with author and publisher, Teri M. Bethel. Hosted by Mrs. Portia Sands, Asst. Director of Culture.

Ready to get your project of the ground? Get in touch, so we can begin your book project.

Sometimes a little chat with the professionals is all you need to fast track your book publishing project. At Inspire Publishing (Bahamas) you can rest assured that your book is in great hands. Contact us , today!