Read on a device...

There are oodles of readers with access to the internet, looking for their next great read. Why not make your book available to them today for an easy download to their cell phone, tablet, or computer?

Inspire Publishing is ready to publish your eBook for you. Don't have a cover? We can provide you with a quote for one. Your eBook can be published in full color or black and white. To help you market your book, we will provide you with a virtual ebook image of your book on a device, for a winning, professional impression.

We can establish an account for you to ensure that you receive direct payments for all sales made. No more waiting on publishers to cut you a check and no shared royalties, and as an independent author, you can produce as many books, as often as you like. Kindle packages include 3 free revisions.

Kindle Package 1- $475.00

Up to 150 pages - (5 photos/images included)

Kindle Package 2- $575.00

151 - 300 pages - (10 photos/images included)